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Plugin Suite

We’ve partnered with the Plugin Developer WPMUDEV to offer the premium versions of the below highly-rated plugins

Smush Pro Image Optimizer

Bulk optimize every image you’ve ever added to your site with one click and fix your Google PageSpeed with the best image optimizer known to WordPress.

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Hummingbird Pro Speed Optimizer

Your website’s speed matters. Hummingbird Pro significantly improves website performance, provides automated reporting, and fixes your Google PageSpeed with its full WordPress speed optimization suite.

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Defender Pro Security

Let’s face it. WordPress is known to be targeted. Hackers, brute forcers, and malicious bots are no match for Defender’s mighty WordPress security shields and cloaking technology.

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Smartcrawl Pro SEO Optimization

SmartCrawl Pro gives you everything you need for fast, powerful WordPress SEO. Start ranking higher with industry-leading features like automatic internal linking, titles and meta descriptions, and full support for default schema.org types.

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Forminator Pro Forms Builder

Not your typical form-making plugin, Forminator Pro is the easy-to-use WordPress form builder for every website and situation. All the forms, polls, quizzes, calculations, and payments you’ll ever need for your WordPress site.

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Hustle Pro Marketing & Opt-Ins

Running standout marketing campaigns just got quicker and easier. Create UNLIMITED opt-ins, pop-ups, slide-ins, social shares, and embeds – all designed to drive results and help create a following.

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